Courageously REAL offers a variety of coach services to meet your needs.
There are times in your life when you need or want the supportive energy of peers and then there are other times when a more private environment is desirable. Be open and curious as you let the descriptions below guide you.

C-REAL Gatherings
Leslie created this rare opportunity for individuals to dynamically expand their perspectives and therefore, options, with other like minded souls over the course of 10 months.
1:1 C-REAL Coaching
Leslie, an esteemed coach, will skillfully bring you to new depths of self awareness, clarity and confidence to step forward and masterfully live your life’s desires and visions.
The EQUUS Way of Being
Leslie and her herd of phenomenal horse coaches, model and awaken your ability to comfortably increase your output and resolve challenges. They do this by engaging your non-verbal sensibilities that heighten your ability to listen, ask and receive additional information and personal support gracefully.
C-REAL Retreats
Leslie, a gifted facilitator, creates challenges that focus on creative, positive and collective interactions emphasizing respect, recognition and the power of the collective to accomplish their universal vision(s).