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Leslie and her horse coaches connect you to your innermost truths. Learn more…

Leslie personalizes exhilarating and inspiring offerings. Learn more…

Leslie permanently shifts your focus to your genuine desires. Learn more…

Leslie’s monthly gatherings are upbeat, contagious and liberating. Learn more…

Welcome to Courageously REAL, a coaching Shangri-La where you are able to choose which offering best suits your needs and desires. Each offering is designed to liberate your mind to new perspectives that broaden your way of being, thinking, acting and feeling.

What is Coaching?

• It is a discrete personal discovery process that is professionally guided to free you to live your ultimate bliss.


What is Courageously REAL?

• It is a distinctively notable coaching service that uses the latest breakthroughs in the science and psychology of healing, learning loving and mindfully living.


What is Unique About Courageously REAL?

• It’s an unparalleled approach that is supported by majestic beauty as well as inspirational coaches, both human and horse. This singular process artfully blends the realities of the material, subtle and transcendent worlds.


Where is Courageously REAL Offered?

• It is offered on Ruach (Roo “ach” as in Bach) Ranch, an awe inspiring 10 acre sanctuary nestled in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas. This Reno ranch surrounds you in 360 degrees of serenity.

Courageously REAL Gatherings are like the enhancing effect of a talented musician who chooses to play with others to perfect their skills and harmony.

Reno Nevada is the hub for Courageously REAL Offerings, which are substantiated, welcoming and highly effective.

Our motto, “Live brilliantly, in a meaningful and successful life that reflects the REAL you and positively influences the world.”

Every month, Ruach Ranch hosts affordable and valuable, enlightening and clarifying Courageously REAL Gatherings.

Yes, finally, an engaging monthly happening that will recharge your batteries!!!

Note on your calendar the 3rd Sunday of every month from 6-9pm to Unwind and UpLevel your Life.

Have you ever felt...

•  the dreams you have will never be realized?

•  the fear of failure is keeping you from taking the next step?

•  the need to keep quiet just to spare other’s feelings or avoid confrontation and disregard your own needs?

•  you’re a burden and not worthy of help?

•  you have tried everything and nothing has worked?

•  you ready to give up?

•  you’re floating through life, without a purpose?

Been so sick of all of those internal and external voices that keep you locked in place?
Learn how to positively confront them and move onward and upward.

Tired of masking and dodging your fears?
Recognize that excuses are your fears and rewrite the story you are telling yourself.

Fed up with defending and/or punishing yourself for mistakes, obstacles and challenges?
See them as teachers and climb the ladder of lessons and ascend to another level, “uplevel.”

Ready to release the vices of overwhelm, confusion, distraction and/or unhealthy choices?
We are bodies, minds, emotions and souls that need TLC to optimize us.

Relate to any of these feelings? We all do.

Which C-REAL Offering speaks to
Your Dreams, Desires and Needs.

1:1 C-REAL Coaching with an experienced multifaceted coach, Leslie, engages your power to open new pathways to you happiness and freedom.

The EQUUS Way of Being brings your body, heart and soul back into your life, enhancing all that your mind has to offer, with horses as your guide.

C-REAL Monthly Gatherings positively inspire you through group contagion, horse happiness and exceptional interactive coaching activities.

C-REAL Retreats transform individual thinking into herd dynamics that harmonize the collective energy toward an agreed mission.

Courageously REAL Testimonials

You are someone who listens without judgment who cares without limits who values honesty for appearances and effort over accomplishment I’m lucky to have you who accepts me just as I am. You are a treasure and I know that anybody who is lucky enough to have you coach mentor and guide them will be blessed. ~ Hannah, Therapist, Mother

Click to see More Testimonials

Welcome to Ruach Ranch